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Brookwood Elementary

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 The following documents are required at the time of registration in order to enroll a student in Enterprise City Schools:

(1)  Certified Birth Certificate  

Child must be 5 years old on or before September 1st to enter Kindergarten 

(2)  Social Security Card 

(3)  Alabama Certified Immunization Record - Up-to-Date

(students MUST have the 2nd measles immunization prior to entering school) 

(4)  Two Proofs of Residency (Accepted proofs listed below)

  1.  Lease agreement or Mortgage papers
  2.  Voter registration card
  3.  Driver’s license
  4.  Tag receipt
  5.  Property tax statement
  6.  Current utility bill 

If you are a legal guardian for the child you must provide legal documentation of guardianship.

*Disclosure of your child’s social security number (SSN) is voluntary.  If you elect not to provide a SSN, a temporary identification number will be generated and utilized instead.  Your child’s SSN is being requested for use in conjunction with enrollment in school as provided in Ala. Admin. Code  §290-3-1.02(2)(b)(2).  It will be used as a means of identification in the statewide student management system.