The following documents are required at the time of registration in order to enroll a student in Enterprise City Schools:
(1) Certified Birth Certificate
Child must be 5 years old on or before September 1st to enter Kindergarten
(2) Social Security Card
(3) Alabama Certified Immunization Record - Up-to-Date
(students MUST have the 2nd measles immunization prior to entering school)
(4) Two Proofs of Residency (Accepted proofs listed below)
- Lease agreement or Mortgage papers
- Voter registration card
- Driver’s license
- Tag receipt
- Property tax statement
- Current utility bill
If you are a legal guardian for the child you must provide legal documentation of guardianship.
*Disclosure of your child’s social security number (SSN) is voluntary. If you elect not to provide a SSN, a temporary identification number will be generated and utilized instead. Your child’s SSN is being requested for use in conjunction with enrollment in school as provided in Ala. Admin. Code §290-3-1.02(2)(b)(2). It will be used as a means of identification in the statewide student management system.